Deals - Capital Markets Accounting & Advisory Services (CMAAS)

A career within Capital Markets Accounting & Advisory Services (CMAAS), can provide you with the opportunity to use highly technical accounting knowledge to solve clients’ complex financial reporting and accounting issues. You can work on complex financial reporting issues around deals and other transformational events. You can tackle client’s needs with a solution oriented approach that creatively addresses complex financial reporting problems for high profile transactions and you’ll have significant interaction with senior company management teams, bankers, lawyers and other advisers.

Preferred fields of study:

  • Accounting
  • Accounting with finance
  • Accounting with STEM

Preferred skills:

  • CPA (required)
  • Complex problem solving using accounting and finance knowledge

Primary office locations:

CMAAS has the largest presence in the following cities: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington DC