Digital Assurance & Transparency (DAT) opportunities

Our Digital Assurance & Transparency practice (DAT) is at the forefront of innovation, supporting both delivery of high-quality, tech-enabled solutions focused on trust and transparency and value-add growth in business and social issues that are top of mind with our clients. You’ll work closely with clients, your DAT team, and our external audit teams to understand the systems & technologies our clients use and how they can mitigate risk. As a DAT professional, you’ll be part of an organization with a focus on quality, value, innovation and growth and gain experience across several of our specialized areas of focus throughout your career. 

Preferred fields of study:

  • Accounting (150 credits)
  • Accounting and Information Systems
  • Accounting w/ Tech Minor
  • Management Information Systems/IT Majors

Preferred Skills:

  • Excel 
  • Interest in both Accounting and IT Systems
  • Understanding of ERP systems